Available online: Deliverable related to SaferDeli Activity 2.1. – Identification of good practices, vocational programs and tools, national regulations

Apr 24, 2024 | Latest News

The deliverable related to the SaferDeli Activity 2.1. – Identification of good practices, vocational programs and tools, national regulations is now online!

The aim of this document is the exchange of knowledge and experiences on the current situation related to the safety of last-mile delivery professionals in terms of valid regulations and implementing practices. The comparison was made with regard to the national legislation of all five countries participating in the project, while the main characteristics of the practices were also summarized.

In the document, examples of good practices which were/being implemented and are interesting and deserve to be further disseminated within the consortium and beyond are presented. Each example is described with the view to gain an insight into the measures implemented to increase safety as faithfully as possible.

In addition, a comparison related to the national regulations, the similarities and differences in the obligations that drivers, motorcyclists, and delivery drivers must respect are presented. Although there are a lot of similarities, it has been observed that there are also certain differences.

The document is available on our website! Click on the link for more details!